Thou Thou - Immorality Dictates

We scorn the domesticated scholars in their unblemished
Halcyon temples, isolated and confined
In prisons of theory and vague conjecture

Tempers violent. Passions vehement
Uncaged and unburdened, we now see clearly
Only amidst the sea of refuse shall we find enlightenment pure
To be righteous we must be consumed by the most profane

And so we shall descend
Into the very bowels of physical consumption
Desperately searching eyes are blinded
By the wild joys of boundless pleasure
Writhing in the excrement of unfettered appetite

We revel in ecstasy of gratification
The union of opposites, the union of sames
Mask kissing mask, image caressing image
In the sty of self-absorbed enchantment
We are unruly beasts driven by desire

And we delight in our filth
We glory in the visceral, wholly-felt, wholly-witnessed
We relish unfeeling, all-feeling detachment

And you know that I love you
Here and now, not forever
I can give you the present
I don't know about the future