Thou Thou - Shorties With Mp 40's, The Personal Is The Political

Our sisterhood is a vast and powerful ocean, a deep well of true meaning sustaining consistent and conflicting emotions and giving life value, while the constant flow of the tides caress the sides of impassive rock and create the contours of interaction that touch every layer of society.
We are free! free of your necrophilic hatred of life. free of your all-in-my-head self doubt. endless is our journey through trackless void, shapeless is our movement, assuming any and all forms, elemental is our force gaining wisdom in the face of desolation, and joyful is the sound of medusa's laughter ringing in our ears. although we have been exploited as passive pawns in the mad dash to domination, not even the heaviest most painful nor the most subtle and gilded manacles will keep us imprisoned in the home or racked with guilt over self realization and self control, neither can we be constrained beneath a glass ceiling in the rat race of your job world. patriarchy ends here. wisdom is attained in the face of utter destruction. and the joyful sound of medusa's laughter rings in our ears.